Friday, January 14, 2011

Did WikiLeaks help bring the Tunisian dictator down?

The Guardian publishes this story on Dec 7:

WikiLeaks cables: Tunisia blocks site reporting 'hatred' of first lady.

and today we get:

Tunisia: President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali forced out.

Unconfirmed reports say Mr Ben Ali and his family have left Tunisia, and that he is looking for a place of asylum.

Too bad it took the deaths of "dozens" to do it.

Did WikiLeaks help bring the Tunisian dictator down?

The Guardian publishes this story on Dec 7:

WikiLeaks cables: Tunisia blocks site reporting 'hatred' of first lady.

and today we get:

Tunisia: President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali forced out.

Unconfirmed reports say Mr Ben Ali and his family have left Tunisia, and that he is looking for a place of asylum.

Too bad it took the deaths of "dozens" to do it.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Godzilla and Postwar Japan

University of Kansas Professor William Tsutsui argues that the evolution of Godzilla through dozens of films reflects social and political changes of postwar Japan.

Godzilla and Postwar Japan

University of Kansas Professor William Tsutsui argues that the evolution of Godzilla through dozens of films reflects social and political changes of postwar Japan


Monday, February 04, 2008

The Microsoft Yahoo Deal

The Microsoft Yahoo Deal
Originally uploaded by Frunny
Excellent, a good healthy reaction against the Yahoo/Microsoft possible merger over at flickr.

The Microsoft experience of the web on a mac has always been restricted and controlled (hello MSM & WMV), more of the same is not welcome

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Verschärfte Vernehmung

Please pass this information on to everyone you know...

from Andrew Sullivan:

Here's a link to the blogs that have discussed the fact that the Bush administration's term "enhanced interrogation" was coined in 1937 to describe exactly the same techniques authorized by Bush, Cheney, Tenet, and Rumsfeld. The term was coined by the Gestapo. The original post, with historical documentation, is here. Please read it. Please send it to others. We have to wake people up to what is being done in their name. There is a better way to get intelligence, and before the goons and thugs of the Bush administration, the U.S. used to practise it. We still can return to honor and excellence in interrogation - instead of shame and failure.